Fight Diabetes Naturally with Curcumin Extract
A study from Thailand suggests that taking curcumin supplements may help
delay or prevent the development of type 2 diabetes in people at high risk.
The nine-month Thai study included 240 men and women, all of them diagnosed as pre-diabetic (based on abnormally high blood sugar levels).
The participants were divided into two groups and randomly assigned to take either 250 mg curcumin per day or a placebo.
After nine months, 19 of the 116 participants in the placebo group had developed type 2 diabetes;
none of those who took the curcumin developed the disease.
Ref: The study was published on July 6, 2012 by Diabetes Care.
Our customers who were diagnosed as pre-diabetic and take Curcumall regularly, report that since they started intake of Curcumall their blood tests showed a significant improvement in blood sugar levels that they attribute to the Curcumall.